Turn off the light, It’s dark theme!

Design systems built for better cross-functional collaborations.


⛳️ Goal

Build a new design system for Taiwan Yahoo App in dark mode

Lead designer - Design System & Specifications

💪 Role

Collaborated with one visual designer, 1 product manager, 4 developers.

🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Team

🗓️ When

2019 Q1 - Q2

✔︎ Delivered cross-platfom dark theme design guidelines, documentations, and a full set of component libraries

✔︎ Establishing clear cross-team processes that teams found "systematic and easy to execute".

🏆 Outcome

Adopt dark mode for better reading experience


To support Yahoo App's dark theme initiative in 2019, I collaborated with developers to transform our color system into a scalable solution, improving team communication and reducing maintenance efforts.

✔︎ Better text readability

✔︎ Better contrast

✔︎ Reduce eye fatigue

✔︎ Save battery life

✔︎ Better text readability ✔︎ Better contrast ✔︎ Reduce eye fatigue ✔︎ Save battery life

Five teams, single guideline


Yahoo App combines five key features: news, video, communities, daily information, and loyalty program. Each feature has its own visual style and dedicated team of developers and product managers.

To implement dark mode across all pages effectively, we explored a design system that enables developers and designers to collaborate smoothly.

Taiwan Yahoo App: Video, community, news, daily information, loyalty program (Left to right)

How might we

Build a scalable design system that foster collaboration and streamline maintenance for the team?

Design guidelines are the team's common language and the tool for effective communication. Therefore, it should be built on shared alignments.

Design process

  1. Reviewed all pages and clarified the app structure and tiers of information.

  2. Created document to list all the pages, confined project scope and schedule with Project Manager.

  3. Explored color palette and designs using the App's key screens.

  4. Shared early concepts with development teams and discussed their implementation plan.

  5. With feedback from PM and devs, defined detailed design specs and the guideline.

  6. Tested implementation result with demo apps, iterated and finalized the design system.

Review, define, and prioritize

First, I reviewed Yahoo App’s information architecture and prioritized deliverables by the impact on user’s experience across the app. Web views and more pages under the third tier were excluded from the first phase, as users rarely visit these destinations.

Design deliverables priority

  1. Shared components

  2. First-tier: App landing pages

  3. Second-tier: listing pages

  4. Third-tier: detailed page

Use information architecture to confine design scope

Define design principles


Apply the same rule and color palette across the
iOS / Android Apps and mobile webpage.


Use color only when it provides meaning; Otherwise, use a monochrome palette. & Use the same assets in light/dark themes.

Easy to maintain

Build up a color-style system that can be extended or 
easily applied to future projects.

Demonstration of using one image asset in both light and dark theme
Demonstration of using one image asset in both light and dark theme

Use same asset in both light and dark mode

Define design guidelines

Design guidelines provide a clear set of standards for everyone to follow. Instead of specifying design elements page by page, I establish general rules for reusable components and ensure accessibility and inclusivity by checking color contrast.

Define background colors in a layer structure

Check the color contrast to ensure accessibility

Iterations on design documentations

Since the project kick-off, I discussed with developers and took their feedback during iterations. After 3 rounds of iterations, I decided to use a spreadsheet to build our new design system, enabling real-time access and version tracking for internal teams and external collaborators.

Version 1

Two color palettes for light and dark theme


It is time-consuming to switch between light and dark mode design guidelines and hard in comparison.

Version 2

Combined light and dark theme guidelines into a single file


Color settings required frequent updates during iteration, making it difficult for developers to identify changes and update them in time.

I built the design system on spreadsheets, enabling real-time access and version tracking for internal teams and external collaborators.

Final Version

Result & Impact

Other apps/services adopted this dark theme systme

✔︎ Created the first dark mode design system for Yahoo Taiwan, setting a standard for other product teams.

✔︎ Documented and shared our design system, enabling Shopping, Auction, and Mobile Search teams to develop their dark themes.

✔︎ Created a feasible design system through close developer collaboration, ensuring smooth implementation across teams.